Saturday, February 11, 2012

about us

Welcome to the blog being developed by In the initial stages the aim is to float a number of color photos of wild animal found in the various parts of India with  images of mammals,fish, reptiles,birds,amphibians, insect . Apart from these 6 groups of wild animals there will also be images of other insects such as butterflies, moths, bugs and other beetles. The images will be mainly of insects which we have in the collections of Zoology Department, Modern College. However in the later stages images from other people can also be included, especially of live wild animals. All images are copyright but can be freely used with due acknowledgement. . Similarly all species lists are arranged alphabetically only and species names alone (without authority) are provided. When additional data are added, the names of the ‘authorities’ of the species will also be added.
Here we will be hosting images of identified as well as unidentified wild animals. Experts and naturalists viewing this website are requested to inform us of identity or closeness of any image of unidentified species. Comments on identified wild animals, particularly on changes in nomenclature, etc. will also be welcome as the subject is very vast and I can never hope to do full justice without your input! In fact one purpose floating the images of these wild animals is to seek help from experts all over !!
While working with certain group of wild animals and other animals during the6decades, I have become aware, that barring a few groups, there are too few images of insects found in India on the internet. Taxonomy of many groups of insects and other invertebrates will be easier if detailed descriptions and images of our animals are freely available on the internet. Lack of original descriptions and types / comparable identified material coupled with lack of images is slowing down biodiversity assessment of many groups of wild animals. We are also unaware of full geographical distribution of many of our wild animals species and so there are many surprises in store, I am sure. Equally important is the information about the life history stages of various species of wild animals and their identity.
We hope this website will stimulate students and other amateurs who are interested in wild animals around. People interested in natural history of insects may also find this website interesting and we hope there will be a good feedback.
We are looking forward to your comments and feedback and will improve our website as and when necessary. Many more images will be added soon.
Many of wild animals that are featuring on this website were collected as a part of routine research work being done at Zoology Department Department of Biotechnology College and University . In other cases the work was done on my own.


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